How Long Does a Claim for Social Security (SSDI) Typically Take?

Applying for Social Security Disability Benefits, waiting for approval, and navigating appeals can take years. If you have been injured or disabled due to a medical condition and are unable to work, filling out an SSDI application and waiting for approval can deplete your savings and leave you with few options. You want to have … Continued

What Does SGA Mean in Social Security?

The Social Security Disability Insurance fund is a collective coffer that is paid into by working, tax-paying citizens to protect them if they should become disabled and unable to work. Therefore, it stands to reason that a person must demonstrate that the medical condition they claim prevents them from engaging in gainful employment is true, … Continued

What’s the Difference Between SSI & SSDI?

The Social Security Administration offers two types of assistance: SSI and SSDI. Both are designed to assist individuals who can no longer work to earn a wage due to either their age or having a disability. Individuals that qualify for either program receive monthly payments to assist them in meeting their day-to-day needs. Both SSI & … Continued

My SSDI Was Denied; Does This Mean My SSI Is Denied Too?

SSI & SSDI are two different disability programs under the Social Security Administration. To be eligible for either program, you will have to meet specific guidelines in terms of age, income, and of course, a disability that hinders or fully stops your ability to earn a wage (work). First, it is possible for a person … Continued

Can I get Social Security Disability for my knee bursitis?

Can I get Social Security Disability for my knee bursitis? Yes, you can. There are two ways to get Social Security Disability for your knee bursitis. The first way is to show that you meet Social Security’s specific listing on knee bursitis and the second way is to show that due to your physical restrictions … Continued

How Can My Doctor Help me win my Social Security Case?

There are two things your doctor can do to help you win your case. The first is to keep detailed and consistent treatment notes that document your condition and your symptoms. Often times, the records I get from doctors provide little information other than a diagnosis. Other times, the medical records are clearly auto-filled by … Continued

How Does the Government Shutdown Affect my Social Security

This article does a decent job of describing how the shutdown will affect your case, but more than anything it shows that the government still isn’t sure how it will affect your case. If you’re already getting benefits, it shouldn’t affect your check. However, it could affect your case if it’s a new case that … Continued

How to File an Appeal

The biggest mistake people make is not appealing a denial. You have to keep appealing these cases until you get your case in front of a judge. There is a myth out there that you have to get turned down 3-4 times before you can win your case so people will just keep filing new … Continued